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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]The study is focused on sentiment analysis of online banking in Nigeria, with a focus on preferences for Kuda, Opay, and Palmpay over traditional banks. The objectives of the study include identifying factors that influence customer preferences, examining customer satisfaction levels, analyzing customer feedback, and providing recommendations for traditional banks to improve their online banking services. The study used survey data analysis and social media data analysis to collect and analyze data. The findings indicate that Kuda, Opay, and Palmpay are preferred over traditional banks due to ... Continue Reading


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]INTRODUCTION1.1 Background to the studyOnline banking, also known as internet banking, has become increasingly popular in Nigeria over the years. The rise of digital banking platforms such as Kuda, Opay, and Palmpay has contributed to the adoption of online banking in Nigeria, with more people preferring these platforms over traditional banks for their banking needs. This essay will explore the adoption of online banking in Nigeria over traditional banking systems, highlighting the factors driving this shift and the potential implications for the banking sector.There are several factors drivin ... Continue Reading